Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe. Wells M J, Balsinhas A A, Joffe H, Engelbrecht V M, Harding G, Stirton C H, 1986. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, 2012. Oxalis corniculata (creeping woodsorrel); habit. The major invertebrate pests and weeds of agriculture and plantation forestry in the southern and western Pacific., Randall RP, 2012. Yellow woodsorrel thrives in moist fertile soils but grows under a wide range … Arasi Lawrence Company, 2013. Oxalis stricta L., O. corniculata L., O. dillenii Jacq. Holm L G, Plucknett D L, Pancho J V, Herberger J P, 1977. Wada S; Altland J; Mallory-Smith C; Stang J; Holownia G, 2004. Jerusalem, Israel: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Report to the Government of Niue and the United Nations Development Programme: Invasive plant species on Niue following Cyclone Heta. 22 (3), 205-208. Plant Characteristics. Yellow woodsorrel, a perennial weed, is usually first noticed when it forms yellow flowers from May through September. Mowing, fertilizing, or irrigating to control creeping woodsorrel isn’t effective; the more vigorous the turfgrass, the more vigorous the creeping woodsorrel. Selective post-emergence control of Oxalis corniculata in Cymbidium hybrida. Triclopyr is more readily available to the homeowner than fluroxypyr. The exotic flora of Chad: a first contribution. Weeds of Jizan Province. Doust LL; MacKinnon A; Doust JL, 1985. Fertilising or irrigating is also not effective: ‘the more vigorous the turfgrass, the more vigorous the creeping woodsorrel’ (UC-IPM Online, 2013). Oregon St. Univ. It is used in the treatment of influenza, fever, urinary tract infections, enteritis, diarrhoea, traumatic injuries, sprains and poisonous snake bites. 758 pp. Srinivasu T; Pardeshi S, 2013. 273, 253 pp. A Russian collection of California plants. A variant of creeping woodsorrel, O. corniculata variety atropurpurea, has purple leaves. In turfgrass the herbicides most commonly used for selective control, like MCPA, 2,4-D, dicamba, and mecoprop, are relatively ineffective (Lovett Doust et al., 1985; Holt, 1986; Kaapro, 2002). DOI:10.1614/0890-037X(2004)018[1226:TEFOCA]2.0.CO;2., ITIS, 2013. Keep the mulch on the infestation until the mulch and cardboard have rotted, then plant competitive ornamentals into the soil-mulch mixture. 2 Vols. Current Status of weed problems in plantation crops., Linares L, 2000. Biological invasions in Hungary. Flora Zambesiaca, Volume 2, Part 1. Hancock I R, Henderson C P, 1988. Alien Species in Poland. Velde N van der, 2003. Oxalis in the British Isles. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawaii Press/Bishop Museum Press, 1919 pp. Distribution and Biology. Oakland: Univ. 46 (2), 21-44. Alien Species in Poland., Kraków, Poland: Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences., DAISIE, 2008. Overview of the weed flora in the Serbia. Bermuda buttercup used to be grown as an ornamental, but once planted it would spread throughout a garden, compete with other plants, and become very difficult to control. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources In general, there are two ways to get rid of oxalis in your lawn. An infusion can be used as a wash to rid children of hookworms. Atoll Research Bulletin, 392:1-223. stricta”. Oxalis stricta L., O. corniculata L., O. dillenii Jacq. In: Atoll Research Bulletin No. Creeping wood sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) has leaves that are covered with with fine hairs and are sometimes tinged reddish-purple. Robbins W, 1940. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 3(3):1173-1188. Biociências. The weeds of California. It has also been recorded with fungal associations, for example Lovett Doust et al. 37, 37., 37 Pretoria and Gaborone, South Africa: SABONET. O. corniculata is found in many crops in many different countries, but there appears to be no information on how much effect this weedy species has on crop yield or quality. 21. Alfarhan AH; Al-Turki TA; Basahy AY, 2005. The two primary methods for managing creeping woodsorrel are removing established plants and controlling germinating seeds. Oryzalin can’t be used in all turfgrass species, so check the label for restrictions and carefully follow the directions for use. Flora Vitensis: a new flora of Fiji., 3 Hawaii, USA: National Tropical Botanical Garden. How to manage pests: pests in gardens and landscapes. O. corniculata itself is very variable in form and its wide geographic distribution and its long journey, if Eiten’s (1963) idea is true, from Australasia to South America and then far beyond, resulted in this species spawning other species along the way, many of which have characteristics in common with their possible parent species.
2020 creeping woodsorrel native