Talent is always a challenge for us, but we eventually hope to overcome this challenge,” Tomoya says. :(, Usually I just use google translate, not much of help but watching the video and reading the so called translated recipe along would do the trick. Tomoya, Akimitsu’s junior from college, says Cookpad initially had its business only in Japan, but now has a presence in 18 countries. and your site (JustBento) turned up in my Google search. Explaining their business, Tomoya says, “We are very profitable because we are a subscription business. There are people providing and delivering readymade food and the global trend is veering against us. We know what has to be done and how it works,” Tomoya adds. My mother Cookpad is the largest recipe site and cooking community in Japan, with millions of contributed recipes. Or, try contacting them via their Facebook page.). The company is now expanding operations in India. In Japan, people uses curry roux, which is a concentrated solid of flour, oil, spices, and seasonings. Japan, Tomoya says, is a small country and we want to establish ourselves on a global scale. Love it! The team states they are trying to empower them and make the world a better place. was Japanese and my father was Caucasian.. (Update, posted January 3, 2015: I understand some people have questions about Cookpad's changed interface, but since I'm not directly associated with Cookpad at the moment (the translation phase ended some time ago) I'm unable to answer you questions about it. The vast majority of the recipes are of the quick and easy type, made by busy moms and other women, and a few men too. We now have a "bento lifestyle" and my family of 7 are all well versed in not only bento box foods but eating with chopsticks! See recipes for ONIGIRI (Japanese dish in Indian style) too. how she cooked...I never thought she would be gone so Do they need anyone else to translate recipes? All the recipes are translated by humans, not machine-translated, so they're human-readable too! And indeed the human translations are highly skillful, which is not obvious at all since translations between the two language can be rather difficult. I've corrected what I can, but with so many recipes already I can't see them all. The foodtech business is touted to be worth $50 billion and currently, the world is increasingly dominated by food delivery Swiggy. 6,422 homemade recipes for japanese from the biggest global cooking community! He is, however, back as Executive Officer of the company. for granted and find myself wishing for her food Thank you for sharing! Having together, both the Japanese and English I can practice languages as well. “We have done it successfully elsewhere and we want to do so in India as well. Since it's still developing, of course this site still knocks it out of the ball park but I like that the have a very eclectic assortment and they're really simple...I think I made dinner in like 15 mins! If you spot any, use the Feedback box at the bottom of each page and they should be corrected - by humans - eventually. I hope to have a more in-depth look at the launch of English version of Cookpad soon, but in the meantime, go over and take a look! ALso, I owe you a debt of gratitude. デイリーアクセス数ランキング. But all this is gonna change with the English site now! ETA: I've noticed a few typos and such here and there. The recipes are not limited to stereotypically Japanese ones - they cover the whole gamut of home cooking in Japan, and many types of cuisines. Thanks Maki. See recipes for Japanese Oden cooked in ecological thermal pot too. Eating at home every day is naturally a lot healthier than eating outside. SOME OF THE TRANSLATIONS WERE VERY ROUGH ON THE NIHONGO SITE. We are very stable, our profit margins are very high and we are in a very lucky position because we are making profits in Japan and are investing them elsewhere. YOU are my inspiration. But at the very least, they offer a fascinating look into what Japanese people eat at home, and you'll probably find some interesting recipes to try out too. Thanks so much for sharing this with us! Sano holds over 44 percent stake in the company, which is worth $1 billion. What a great resource! I always ran the site through Google Translate, but like you said, it's hard to read a machine translation. Very very cool. This site is now booked-marked on my tablet. I love eating Japanese cuisine and this dish has the perfect combination of breaded meat, assorted vegetables and curry sauce. I'm really not sure, since I am no longer directly involved with Cookpad in terms of translations and so forth. お菓子. As with the original Japanese site … This is nice!! suddenly. I was also amused that most of the recipes I look at have been either translated or edited by Makikowi - who I assume is you. :D, I'm already bookmarking some recipes as I type this. However, when Cookpad started operations, it was a desktop world. Japan, Tomoya says, is a small country and we want to establish ourselves on a global scale. With over 6.8 million recipes, Japanese online recipe-sharing platform Cookpad wants to make every day cooking fun and is expanding operations in India. Explaining, Tomoya says if you cook every day at home, you start realising where food comes from and you raise awareness about things like food scarcity and food security. Tomoya says one of the key developments in Japan was the mobile feature phone, which was a key driver of growth. I don't particularly have any difficulties with the Japanese version of Cookpad because I've been using it for over a year now, but this English version is WOW! おかず. That’s when the idea of Cookpad was born. I visit the Japanese site a lot, but it always takes me some time to translate the recipes and sometimes I just don't feel like it. Cookpad is the largest recipe site and cooking community in Japan, with millions of contributed recipes. This is not a paid endorsement or post.). You may want to ask them directly... ©2003 - “Our business is basically a recipe-sharing platform based on local communities. もっと見る. I just checked it out and had a wonderful dinner thanks to it and your site! Kyla, Hi Maki My 17 year old daughter just reminded me that the _JustBento_ cookbook is actually hers and will be going to college with her next year. I can't even tell you how this thrills me! 甘味が増す♡おいしい栗のゆで方&むき方 by ぴょん太58. Thank you for posting about it. “We are starting with Bengaluru, but we also want to capture as many small Tier-2 and 3 cities as we can. They shared recipes, which were now accessible everywhere. Cookpad, which has its global headquarters is in the UK, has over 10 people in India. Japanese people puts plenty of vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and onions. As with the original Japanese site most steps are illustrated with little photos, which are very handy. The portions are just right for my family of two. The aim is to make them feel appreciated and make them realise that they are valuable to the community through their cooking of great recipes. All the recipes are translated by humans, not machine-translated, so they're human-readable too! They have I love it that it's recipes by everyday people. With school starting here very soon, my intense focus on Bento boxes returns and I am interested in how other people eat! Re: The English version of Cookpad, the largest recipe site ... Back to Japanese Basics: The essential staples of a Japanese pantry, Masataka Taketsuru, The Father of Japanese Whiskey And His Two Loves, Goryo Hamaguchi: Earthquakes, Modern Medicine and Yamasa Soy Sauce. (Disclosure: I've been involved in the English Cookpad site for some time, and participated in a small way in its launch, but I am not a Cookpad employee. This window into home life in Japan is so intriguing. We do not have any corporate structure yet, but at least we have a team here in Bengaluru, which is great. Have you ever shared your recipes on the Japanese site by the way? This looks like it's going to be very useful. Once I find a great recipe I'm always keen to find out what else s/he is up to! Indonesia is the team’s fastest growing market currently. I suggest that you contact Cookpad directly via their Feedback email address at help at cookpad dot com. ^_^. The official app of "Cookpad", Japan's largest cooking recipe search and posting service. Thank you so much for posting this! The English cookpad site seems to have changed, do you know how we can access and search for the translated recipes now? We have also started entering new markets. This is why global members are here and we are discussing the best way to enter this market,” Tomoya says. The About page says they're looking for more translators - https://en.cookpad.com/about Give them a shout! If you're interested in everyday Japanese home cooking, it promises to be a valuable resource. “We aim to help people find these ideas. The team believes that local ingredients are fundamentally important because every recipe is driven by local ingredients. Any idea what has happened with English cookpad? example complete easy lunch meal, dinner meal. People, especially housewives, could now see recipes on the feature phone and follow cooking instructions.
2020 cookpad japan in japanese