3. 1. To a solution of HCl and CoCl2 the addition of more HCl causes more of a blue tinge to the wells indicating a shift right. There will be more Silver Chloride as the K value is greater than 1. 5. The thermal decomposition of hexahydrate cobalt (II) chloride to produce cobalt (II) chloride and water. One stress taken into account is a change in concentration. This would result in slightly skewed color change interpretations as their concentrations would not be what it is labeled as. 7. 6. This increase in Cl- concentration, a reactant, would cause the forward reaction rate of the system to increase in order to reach equilibrium. The AgNO3 added would react with the Cl- to form AgCl, a solid, and therefore decrease the concentration of Cl-, a reactant, which then shifts the reaction to the left. Info: CoCl2*6H2O(heat) might be an improperly capitalized: COCl2*6H2O(HeAt), CoCl2*6H2O(HeAt) Instructions and examples below may help to solve this problem You can always ask for help in the forum Instructions on balancing chemical equations: Enter an equation of a chemical reaction and click 'Balance'. 1. 5. This reaction takes place at a temperature of 160-170°C in a flow dry HCl. Meanwhile a well plate is marked in rows of A-D and columns 1-6, and placed on a sheet of paper. 5. Any color change is recorded. Relevance. These well are the mixed with a clean toothpick. a) The addition of HCl would shift it right, b) The addition of water would shift it left. The color change is recorded. 4. The addition and removal of heat depends on whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic. 4. Explanations (including important chemical equation): The following equilibrium is observed: Co(H 2 O) 6 2+ (aq) + 4 Cl-(aq) <=> CoCl 4 2-(aq) + 6 H 2 O(g) The Co(H 2 O) 6 2+ complex is pink, and the CoCl 4 2- complex is blue. The product in this case is AgCl. Five drops of CoCl2 are dropped in each well. If Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid Is Added To Thissolution, The Following Equilibrium Is Established: [CoCl (H2O)5]+ +Cl- [CoCl2 (H2O)2 ]+3H2O ΔH0 Where [CoCl2 (H2O)2 ] Is Alsosoluble In Water. c) The addition of NaOH would neutralize some of the H+ in the reactants and decrease its concentration causing a shift left. Five drops of CoCl2 are dropped in each well. 1. 3. 10. Answer Save. This would lead to a shift to the left. This increase of Cl- ions would be an increase in the concentration of the reactants and then shift the reaction more forward to reestablish equilibrium. An increase in temperature, which is released by the reaction as a product, would cause a shift left. Then chemicals are disposed of properly and hands washed. K is the equilibrium constant, and represents how far the reaction goes and shows direction. Freezing Point Depression with Antifreeze. e) A decrease in temperature would shift it left. This has additional compounds and elements in it that may have reacted and changed concentrations of the compounds without direct manipulation. Temperature is another stress which a system will shift in order to accommodate. A source of error may have come from the use of tap water instead of distilled water. AgNO3 added resulted in a precipitate and a very light pink color for every well showing a shift left as well. Two drops of HCl are added to each well in column 1; four in column 2, six in column 3, eight in column 4, and ten in column 5. Any color changes are recorded. it thpresence a lot of alcohol it converts into the blue ion [Co(Cl-)4]-2 The color change is recorded. c) The addition of AgNO3 would shift it left. Two drops of HCl are added to each well in column 1; four in column 2, six in column 3, eight in column 4, and ten in column 5. 2. a) HCl almost completely splits apart into H+ and Cl- ions. Favorite Answer. The color change is recorded. balanced equation? when CoCl2*6 H2O dissoves in water it makes the pink ion [Co(H2O)6]+2. A decrease of temperature in an exothermic reaction would result in a shift to the right. In an endothermic reaction heat is absorbed as a reactant so that if there is an increase in heat the system will shift towards the products in order to use up the additional heat. Examples of complete chemical equations to balance: Fe + Cl 2 = FeCl 3; KMnO 4 + HCl = KCl + MnCl 2 + H 2 O + Cl 2; K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + H 2 SO 4 + H 2 O = K 2 SO 4 + FeSO 4 + (NH 4) 2 SO 4 + CO; C 6 H 5 COOH + O 2 = CO 2 + H 2 O Temperature is the only thing that causes a change in Kc or Kp value, for concentration and pressure respectively. cocl2*6h2o+etoh= what is the balanced equation? The opposite is also true, when there is a decrease in reactants or an increase in products there is a shift left made by the system. Le Chatelier's principle is that when a system is at equilibrium it will shift in order to restore that equilibrium. NaCl separates into ions, so with its addition there would be an increase in Cl- ions. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. An increase in reactants or decrease in products results in an increase in the forward reaction rate, a shift to the right. Any solid or liquid added or taken away will not affect equilibrium or cause a shift. This means that the products are greater than the reactants. There may also have been human error in placing the correct number of drops of each compound in the wells. 3. K values are calculated by placing products raised to their coefficients in a reaction over the reactants raised to their coefficients. Limiting reagent can be computed for a balanced equation by entering the number of moles or weight for all reagents. One drop more of HCl is added to row B and mixed with a clean toothpick. Equilibrium is when the rate of the forward and the reverse reactions are the same. Steve O. Lv 7. Then the test tube is placed in a ice bath created by ice cubes and water in a 250mL beaker. Question: When CoCl2 Is Dissolved In Water, The Resulting Solutionis Pink Because Of The Presence Of (only) Octahedrally Coordinated[CoCl (H2O)5]+ Coordinationcomplex. A decrease in temperature in an endothermic would cause a shift to the left towards the reactants as there is not enough heat to continue the forward reaction. These well are the mixed with a clean toothpick. Le Chatelier's principle is all about how a system will adjust itself when stress is put on it in order to re-establish equilibrium. However the only concentrations that affect equilibrium are those that are a gas or aqueous. In a test tube 5mL of CoCl is placed and mixed with enough HCl to create a purple color in between pink and blue. d) An increase in temperature would shift it right. Five drops of AgNo3 are added to row D wells and stirred. All safety equipment is put on and a beaker of 100mL of water is heated on a hot plate, not to a boil. Five drops of CoCl2 are dropped in each well. The color change is recorded. Two drops of HCl are added to each well in column 1; four in column 2, six in column 3, eight in column 4, and ten in column 5. These well are the mixed with a clean toothpick. In an exothermic reaction the opposite is true. b) Water added to this solution would would have no affect on the equilibrium because it is a liquid. 2. b) The addition of water would increase the concentration of water, which is a product. 3. 3. CoCl 2 •6H 2 O CoCl 2 + 6H 2 O. The addition of water caused the solutions to lighten all colors indicating a dilution of the solution. Five drops of water are added to row C wells and mixed well with a clean toothpick. 4. 1 Answer. When HCl is added to a pink solution, it turns blue. 1 decade ago. The purpose of this lab is to find the effects made by different stresses on a system at equilibrium. 8.
2020 cocl2 6h2o + hcl equation