interaction: { // } else { We will either come together for climate justice or burn together in climate catastrophe.”. highlight: "orange", CJA and its members were not consulted or even informed until the final hour that these provisions would be included as a part of HR 4447. hover:true }; } These groups organize to end the era of extreme energy and implement a Just Transition that promotes local control of resources (including energy, land, water, and food systems). Giddy responses ranged from thanks for the resistance hero who quietly set him up to an NPR Tiny Desk Concert review - "Just yelled at reporters. Our translocal organizing strategy and mobilizing capacity is building a Just Transition away from extractive systems of production, consumption and political oppression, and towards resilient, regenerative and equitable economies. color: "#ededed", Contact: Anthony Rogers-Wright 631-402-7855                                                    Olivia Burlingame 301-613-4767 The United States has elected a new president. } var network = null; Supreme Court's Scientifically Illiterate Decision Will Cost Lives... Will the World Community Condemn the Murder of Iran’s Nuclear Scientist? $(this).fadeOut(); function activate_visualizer(){ The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) formed in 2013 to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities and organizations into a formidable force. // if(group_type == "Organization"){ Climate Justice Alliance membership is rooted in a shared landscape analysis, priorities and overall vision. To remain an independent news source, we do not advertise, sell subscriptions or accept corporate contributions. Move The Money We are building local alternatives that center traditional ecological and cultural knowledge and create a pathway for a regenerative future. edges: { $("#click-info .close").click(function(){ Sadly, we keep having the same discussions with Big Green, majority-white organizations about the need to be more inclusive and to stop speaking for the EJ communities that they don’t work with directly or live in. And unfortunately it’s going to get unimaginably worse. $("#click-info").fadeOut(); To inspire.To ignite change for the common good. // if(org_data.attr("data-group-type") == "Workgroup"){ pushInfo.title = node_name; Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. $("#click-info .org-info a").attr("href",org_data.attr("data-website")); nodes.push(pushInfo); }) Questions and Warnings Follow Assassination of Top Iranian Scientist, Under Cover of Thanksgiving, Trump Administration Pushes to Relax Rules Protecting Birds, As US Hospitalizations Hit New Record, Fauci Warns Pandemic Not Expected to Ease for Holidays, An 'Implicit Approval If There Ever Was One': Trump Retweets Post Calling Assassination of Iranian Scientist a 'Major' Blow. }, CJA thanks the 18 Democratic members of Congress (Rep. Doggett, Rep. Espaillat, Rep. García (IL), Rep. Gomez, Rep. Horn, Kendra S., Rep. Jayapal, Rep. Khanna, Rep. Levin (MI), Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B., Rep. McGovern, Rep. Meng, Rep. Nadler, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Omar, Rep. Pressley, Rep. Raskin, Rep. Tlaib, Rep. Velázquez) who voted No on this bill and in so doing demonstrated solidarity with the climate justice movement and environmental justice communities. Taking part remotely and in person at the climate justice workshop in Jordan. "from":link_target, activate_visualizer(); } Biden Needs To Report Trump’s Wreckage in Executive Branch as Markers, Shoving Donald Trump Out the Oval Office Door, Trump’s Damage to US Elections Could Be Long-Term, Diego Maradona (1960-2020): Some Bittersweet Reflections, Israel’s Gift to Joe Biden, 52 Days Before He Even Takes Office: War with Iran. Our Team Climate Justice Alliance members have won significant victories against polluting and extractive industries. It doesn't work that way. }) jQuery("div[data-node='graph-node']").each(function(){ Of particular concern is the focus on and investment in nuclear energy, as well as the promotion of risky, unproven carbon removal schemes. Change The Rules 990 likes. This, it's agreed, will be his legacy: "A baby at his tiny little desk throwing a tantrum. "to": link_source, Climate Justice Alliance is amplifying the leadership of the original Our Power Communities while expanding to 70 communities in seven regions that are home to key grassroots groups. }, }) // } We don't want advertising dollars. It is a false solution to climate change.". Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice, The Plains, Virginia. color: { - Craig Brown, Co-founder. Member Login, Fight The Bad The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) formed in 2013 to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities and organizations into a formidable force. In discussing why reliance on unproven technologies is problematic, Basav Sen of Institute for Policy Studies explained,  “Relying on the notion of capturing carbon and removing it from the atmosphere is a risky venture. highlight: "orange", // } network.on("click", function(params){ edges.color= { network.on("blurNode", function (params) { These are the communities who will be directly impacted by their promotion of this energy bill. }); Climate Justice Alliance Demands Every Vote Be Counted, Respect the Will of the People! Because of people like you, another world is possible. }, Anthony Rogers-Wright  anthony@climatejusticealliance.orgJennifer Falcon  jennifer@ienearth.orgOlivia Burlingame, Applauds Democratic Members of Congress who voted No, demonstrating solidarity with the climate justice movement and environmental justice communities. These groups organize to end the era of extreme energy and implement a Just Transition that promotes local control of resources (including energy, land, water, and food systems). In May 2019, NYC-EJA released its Interactive Waterfront Justice Project Map (WJP Map). pushInfo.image = jQuery(this).attr("data-logo-image"); "2":{ Common Dreams is not your normal news site. } }); var link_target = jQuery(this).attr("data-link-target"); Donate size: 35 The Just Transition framework is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy. For too long, environmental justice communities were relegated to being sacrifice zones. $("#click-info .logo_image").attr("src",""); "id":node_name, }, However, it was inappropriate and antithetical to the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing for these groups to take such a stance without consulting with our members who were integral in drafting the Environmental Justice (EJ) provisions over the last year with Chairman Grijalva.
2020 climate justice alliance