This recipe makes a lot of soup, and it has an amazing creamy flavor. The cooked potatoes, corn, and carrots give this soup almost a sweet flavor- it’s really yummy! In the fridge, soup will keep for 3-4 days depending on the freshness of the ingredients. Even if it’s just a leftover quart–that quart will feed all three kids and sometimes me for lunch! Pull one serving out of the freezer at night and by morning it can be thawed for the thermos. You can leave the “green” out if you think it might detour them from enjoying the soup, and maybe ease into the spinach later. I love this slow cooker chicken noodle soup method, too! Yahoo fa parte del gruppo Verizon Media. So to balance things out and create a whole meal, you can add a piece of fruit, a protein like whole yogurt, a granola bar (soaked or protein) or energy bar, cheese, tuna salad, hummus or refried beans, or a shredded chicken sandwich, and a carbohydrate like a biscuit (gluten-free or wheat-based) to dunk in the soup, a make-ahead burrito, a muffin, some crackers, or tortilla chips. But when you make prepping soup a part of your dinner (by making a large batch or doubling a recipe), or schedule a prep hour or two on a weekend, homemade soup can make lunch packing easier…and nourishing. If you have older kids who are responsible at the stovetop, I would make this apart of their morning routine! Next week, I’ll return to the blog with a new shopping series post, food recipe, DIY, and the baked goods prep day post. You can also subscribe without commenting. My original plan was to talk about baked goods this week in the prep day series; instead Renee was generous to offer a very practical prep day post/tutorial. Homemade soup is made with simple ingredients: veggies, meat, and water/broth/milk. This soup is loaded with veggies, but feels so rich and creamy because of the starchy potatoes. After making homemade soup, fill your mason jar or freezer container 3/4 full and freeze it with the lid off for 24 hours so the glass doesn’t break. The DIY recipes on this website are based on my personal experiences. If the soup isn’t as veggie heavy (like chili or even when I serve chicken noodle soup), I like to pack veggie sticks and Ranch dip, a salad with Caesar dressing (with anchovies or without), or pickles (fermented or refrigerator-style). Just get the hottest water possible running from your faucet. I can’t wait to show you how prepping soup in advance can make your lunch packing even easier. Put that sweet school-aged kiddo to work washing that bad boy up! Not that there’s anything at all wrong with PB&J. This fresh tomato soup is the perfect soup to try for kids that might be turned off by the thought of having soup. It is so flavorful. I did this all school year and both of my thermoses kept very well (and I use the thermoses at least twice a week.). I can pull out a quart or so the night before. I believe nourishing yourself and your family shouldn't be complicated. I’m excited to share a semi-final reveal soon (I’m sure it will take me several weeks to decorate the new open shelves…”semi-reveal”). Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Fortunately, it’s possible to can your own soups from chicken stock to carrot soup to chili, and for the most part it’s pretty simple … but there are a few important guidelines.• Use a pressure canner: Unlike fruits and tomatoes, soup is a low-acid food and cannot be safely preserved using the boiling water bath method (and definitely not the upside-down jar method). It is perfectly sweet, and there isn’t a “green thing” to be seen. With all the noodles (we use gluten-free Tinkyada noodles since we’re a gluten-free household), I don’t know of any kid that can resist this one. While I like to get up before my kids on school days, I don’t like to have a lot on my agenda to get done before we have to head out for school drop-off. Dear momma, with too many things on your agenda already, pop that thermos right in the dishwasher. Contributor post written by Renee from Raising Generation Nourished. Stock up on squashes when they’re 80 cents a pound and double this soup for the freezer. Yes there’s a little time involved in making the actual soup. I … I usually just pack a piece of fruit and cheese with this one. Fill your thermos with the hot water, and let the hot water sit in the thermos with the lid on for about 5 minutes while you warm up the soup on the stovetop. It seemed like just yesterday I was rocking her and fixing finger foods for her to munch on, and…. For more lunch packing ideas straight from my kitchen, you can follow my Instagram and hit the #rgnschoollunches hashtag – you will literally see everyday of lunch packing from the last year of kindergarten right in one shot! For a dairy-based soup (with cheese and bacon), try homemade creamy cauliflower soup. I definitely learned a few things along the way, and since I’m here to make your life a little easier, I’m absolutely going to share them with you. This is every kid’s … My oldest daughter’s first year of full-time school really snuck up on me last year. I have lots of ideas. Chicken Noodle Soup. After all, real food takes time to prepare and cook. Then, dump the hot water out and fill up the thermos with hot soup. It has been my experience that if we want kids with broad taste palates, their menu needs some variety. Thanks for all you do. Well you can live off of this, but it's not the healthiest thing. If they’re old enough to be in school, they’re old enough to wash their gear ;). Your email address will not be published. Focus on five foods you can prep this week based on your meal plan and schedule: making soup, cooking and shredding chicken, washing storing greens, baking muffins, etc. By morning the soup is thawed and ready to heat. It can be difficult to provide a large variety of real food choices for everyone in your family. Noi e i nostri partner memorizzeremo e/o accederemo ai dati sul tuo dispositivo attraverso l'uso di cookie e tecnologie simili, per mostrare annunci e contenuti personalizzati, per la misurazione di annunci e contenuti, per l'analisi dei segmenti di pubblico e per lo sviluppo dei prodotti. Despite the name, this kid-friendly creamy vegetable soup doesn’t have a drop of dairy in it. I appreciate that you understand that we all do want to do the right thing by our family and kids but we are at different levels. For a veggie beef soup without the tomato flavor, try this perfectly tender beef stew. If your kids are funny about “chunks” just puree it all the way through. Pack up a straw and your kids will drink it right up! I had a really great experience using my Thermos brand soup thermoses for packing school lunches this year. This lasagna soup is our household favorite dinner soup. My husband takes this along to work in his travel crockpot about once a week (at least). Soup pairs well with so many foods. I was reading through your post and was already thinking I can’t make these soups because I’ll have to make the bone broth first and I’ll never even get to the soup. I either store the soup in the fridge to use the next day, or freeze the leftovers for another time. I just give my thermos a quick rinse and let the dishwasher do the rest. We love to sprinkle Parmesan cheese in this soup! I always have the rest of my daughter’s lunch packed the night before, so that part is done –usually a piece of fruit, a muffin, biscuit, granola bar, or energy bar to go with the soup, maybe a piece of cheese or avocado. I understand all the amazing benefits of bone broth but I feel so overwhelmed with the effort of making it and needing to have it on hand for recipes.
2020 can you live on homemade soup