Related Content: **It’s a figure that is three times higher than the global average. As the economy and middle class continue to swell, so does the rate of alcohol consumption in Vietnam—especially for beer. It is estimated that Vietnam will have about more 2 million consumers joining the middle class, reaching the fastest-growing middle class in Asia. As of 2016, alcohol consumption in Vietnam hit 340 million liters of spirits and 3.92 billion liters of beer. This figure is expected to climb to 5.6 billion litres in 2035, according to the Việt Nam Beer Alcohol Beverage Association (VBA). **Nearly 10 percent of Vietnamese men aged from 50 to 69 died of alcohol-related liver cancer in 2016. It includes 3 different taxes: import tax (from 5-80% depending on type of FTA), tax value added (10%) and excise taxes (from 50% to 65% in 2018). Soaring levels of alcohol consumption in Vietnam also contribute to the country’s problem with liver cancer. And indirectly to more than 30,000 deaths. This can affect the profitability of beer companies, especially those in the mid-end segment, as this is a competitive segment and customers are most vulnerable to the impact of the best selling prices. When you’ve decided to take steps to quit consider telling the people around you to enlist their support. The main reason is that Vietnam’s beer quality has not been highly appreciated and not created a brand on the international market. At the top are South Korea, Vietnam, and then Thailand who each drink three times more than their neighbors at the bottom of the list. Regarding exports, the export beer output increased more 46 million liters than the previous year, $45.87 million. Drinkers here, on average, imbibe 42 liters of beer a year. For example, the deal of Thai Beverage, the company of Thai billionaire, costs USD 4.8 billion, equivalent to VND 110,000 billion, to buy 53.59% of Saigon Beer Alcohol and Beverage Company (Sabeco) in December 2017. Also, try to avoid occasions when alcoholic drinks will be served—at least at first—and people who engage in heavy drinking or encourage you to drink. Regarding types of consumption, canned beer consumption accounted for 66.8% of total consumption in Vietnam, followed by bottled beer 29.9%; draft beer is 3.1% and accounts for a modest beer market share of fresh beer 0.1%. Along with a series of free trade agreements signed, Vietnamese food and beverages have been largely able to access key free export markets (without tariffs). Only 11% of women had consumed the same. Compared to neighboring Thailand, a haven for rehabilitation with rehab centers like the luxurious Cabin Chiang Mai, DARA Thailand, and Hope Rehab—a treatment center that takes a holistic approach to recovery—finding professional treatment for alcoholism is extremely problematic in Vietnam. In 2019, the total beer market production will reach more than 5 billion liters (up 22.9% over the same period in 2018), consumption reached over 4 billion liters (up 29.1% over the same period last year). Posted by Vietcetera on Tuesday, 29 May 2018. According to a Nielsen report, 56% of Vietnamese consumers are under 30 years old and Vietnam’s middle class will double from 12 million (2014) to 33 million (2020). It is forecast that the beer industry growth rate in this year will not maintain at the double-digit level as in the previous years and reach 6-7% in the following years, although each year Vietnam has more than 1 million people in legal age drinking alcoholic beverages. And the detoxification process can take two weeks or more. It’s false to say all Asians like to drink. Simply being aware that there is a problem is viewed as a move towards successfully stopping drinking. In fact, Vietnam’s binge-drinking culture is so rampant it’s even gained the attention of the international media. Globally, drunk driving is regulated by strict measures on blood alcohol levels. The export volume decreased by about 7% over the same period. In 2016, stricter penalties were introduced when “Drunk driving or refusal to comply with a police ordered alcohol or drug test will be subject to a fine of up to VND 18 million.” But drunk driving still kills over 4,000 people in Vietnam every year. In the context of international economic integration, M&A will contribute to raise the size, competitiveness, market share, reputation, efficiency of larger businesses and start a new development cycle. Alcohol, like many other recreational drugs, is bad for us. Immediately adoptable measures are alcohol-free nights out, and alcohol-free days. Since 2010 alcohol consumption in Vietnam has risen a staggering 40%. To open a beer factory in Vietnam, enterprises must be licensed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The law coming into effect on January 1st, 2020 has been effective in adjusting the drinking habits of many people. Professionals have stated the first 72 hours will be hardest. In 2018, the beer consumption per capita amounted to approximately 44.1 liters. Therefore, experts predict that our country’s beer industry will have great changes in 2020. Vietnam’s domestic brewery, Hommel, was opened in the 1890s. But some Asians do drink. In which Mexico and the Netherlands are the two biggest beer suppliers in Vietnam. In high doses, alcohol, which is also a depressant, suppresses the respiratory system which can lead to coma and death—which directly leads to 2,200 deaths in the States per year. Wine consumption appeared to be a factor…until more extensive research revealed the French diet also includes fruits, greens, grains, and lots of olive oil—like many Mediterranean countries—which are foods that promote cardiovascular health. However, alcohol is also a toxic substance. However, all sessions are conducted in English only. Telling friends and colleagues in advance will be much easier than announcing you’re not drinking if you’re already at an event. Stringent government policies and taxation, and religious beliefs are factors. With a population structure among the youngest in the world – 56% of the population is under the age of 30, VBA predicts that total consumer expenses in Vietnam will double and reach approximately US$ 173 billion by 2020. A 2015 World Health Organization survey revealed 77% of men questioned had drunk at least six units in the preceding 30 days. One hundred years later, to serve a growing thirst for the drink, the company—which became the Habeco Corporation—expanded operations at its Hanoi Beer Company to 50 million liters per year in 1993…and to 400 million liters by 2010. [Video] Should We Be Afraid Of The Sun? Positive information about alcohol consumption is often biased or misinformed. That’s an estimated 40% increase from 2010—a figure that doesn’t even factor in unrecorded alcohol sales. While the regulations are quite clear, implementation can be difficult. The fierce competition has been forecast early since more and more foreign brands were looking for opportunities in Vietnam market. All Rights Reserved. © Vietcetera 2020 . Alcohol Consumption In Vietnam: Three Worrying Facts. However, reducing alcohol consumption can be the first step. Note that all Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are free of charge and additional contact information can be found online at Literature for the 12-step program can be acquired in Vietnamese language when requested.
2020 beer consumption vietnam