“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress Dragon Nest. Working together is success.”


Who are we anyway 자바 구버전 다운로드?

AnilAnil Kumar Ranganatha is an ardent nature admirer, who loves music and photography Dig-up download. A techie by profession, He hails from Bangalore where one day he was introduced to photography by one of his friends. Further, Anil’s association with his close friend and fellow Landscape Wizards photographer Pramod Viswanath added fuel to a growing passion number list. Since then, walking the trails of nature with a camera in hand has become more of a second nature for Anil.

Anil cannot imagine anything else that could provide a state of self satisfaction and happiness other than relishing and sharing the different expressions of nature 셜록 유령신부 다운로드. He believes in “Nature is the art of God”, and is constantly trying to enhance the ‘way of seeing and capturing’ this natural art around him in the form of images Instagram. These images have found their abode in Landscape Wizards.

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AshwinHaving his roots in the Western Ghats in Karnataka, Ashwini Kumar Bhat is currently based out of Bangalore free Bible. As weekend warrior in terms of photography, He does software development for living. Birding and trekking are his other passions.

Ashwini is a passionate photography lover since his childhood but started using camera after his graduation ebs-related textbooks. He has a curious eye towards patterns and colors of Nature. Though Ashwini uses Nikon gears, He strongly believes that equipment are just mere tools to portray one’s vision, because, at the end its the man behind the machine who does all the hard work Papago download. Its he who takes decisions, who waits patiently, who struggles hard in the field to get the image which his inner eye has seen.

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Sriharsha Ganjam is a nerdy Web Analytics professional on weekdays and a passionate nature photographer on weekends 역전재판 pc 다운로드. Nature and its subjects have always had a deep rooted fascination in “Harsh’s” imagination and he uses his time trying to showcase the subtle relationships that exist in nature. His first exposure to nature photography was on his trip to Bandhavgarh in the Dec of 2007. And before he knew it, he was hooked on the Nature photography brand wagon doing more trips and buying even more equipment to satiate his new found passion. Very soon it dawned on him, that to translate the feelings and emotions of nature into memorable still images, one needs more than just equipments. One needs to see nature with the mind’s eye! And this is one thing that he truly believes in.

He is also an avid star gazer and finds deep spirituality when gazing in to the stars on clear winter nights. He also runs for various charities whenever he is not off travelling or shooting.